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rA rATHE OFCaJAtlTY OF AFAEER AFAEEROFCaJAtlTY A QUALITY QUA I APER LITY TH THE E W WASHINGTON SH INGrirON B HERALD E HAL D JSJ onefourth in oneto 1 n THc Washington WubiD Waa6inptonT04 WashingtonNO cHera1d nh Herald of on onNO4 gees the to en home homein MmeJ over overonefourthNO NO4 4 WASHINGTON D C THURSDAY OCTOBER 11 1906TWELVE PAGES ONE TE CENTt L5OOQOOM1SS1NG L5OOQOOM1SS1NGi j Mm IN INallAgelltifC u allAgellt an n Agent Acut t Gop GQJU o York Housefails HousefailsfimielSilviera House Fails Failsff ttsf t I QlF G PJ ON SE1S SE1Snuel SE 1SfimielSilviera ia nuel nilel Silvi m ll lland viera la Leaves Le aves yesava Havana Havanaand la lafand afand and lll1er6tIleOlew Thep PJiereTthe a the Clew Ends Endspr EndsCebaUorrpr ai Ceballos CebnlIofJ k d Co Make Assign Assignment AHsIgnclit Assignment ment clit When Shli > f wjth rItlt Specie SpecieAboard SvecleAlward SpecieAboardAboard Docs Not ot Arrive Arrh ArrheStutcauent ArrheStutcauent1skued Statement StatementIssued StatcJUentHuedIssued Hued By Attorney ArttorneTsfor ttornei for tor tIle AsesIgnee As Assignee A Agnec4JaUs signee gnec4JaUs 4JaUs Galls aiistdng Man inn Ab Abscondor AbJ1on Abecoeco scondor J1on ulur ori I Liabilities t n nltles Are c Heavy HeavyNew nea neaNew llcavlNewNew York Oet ML BtThe The bunking house bouseof houseof houseqq of J fl Mw OsbaJtea I fe Co New York and anaHauaaa andmade andEieroaanmdeHauaaa Eieroaanmde made a tl gfenecai alignment for fort fortJt fortirotJt t e benefit of ertfkors ereltors today to Willoan Wil William liam 1 V Rowe of the law firm of sum Suilis4a Sullivaa sumVias4a Via A CromwellThe Cromwell CromwellThe CrOmwellTbeThe house was wasp U very Important mp rtaftt one oneia oneia oneIseia Wall street street 1tnt its Itt resources being gen genteighty genJly sentaJbeighty Jly i pIued iac d between oJ 3i11Rti01 W9M and andttt 5 5ud 5N1 5N1andttt and it was the roost important importantAmerican ImportantINInidDg importantAamyr1eaaAmerican banking home 80 o far 1 as re relations re rewIt relatt6tns lations wIt Cuba and Porto Rico are areconcerned axeC8IICelJMMl areesneernedconcerned The Tb assignee a ee after a cursory cursoryexamination CUIS4ry1tJon cursoryexatiaationexamination 1tJon roughly estimated the lla HabOttMs llabfmiee llabbfmiee b bOttMs at between Weetl SI ld1001LI0 M and 4000 4000No 51000000 51000000No 4000000 4000000NoNo prediction of the vahA of the assets assetswas ASsetsWU assetswaswas ventured veat1lledThe venturedThe venturedTheThe msareeponslbie man responsible IeIIPOIUIIWeror for the 2 failure failureaccording lIurt lIurtaecontlB IiureaccordingaecontlB according to William Nelson Cromwell Cromwellattorney CromwellaUorBe7 Cromwellattorneyattorney for the assignee is on the highseas high highseas hipseasseas juat where no one knows He is isManael IsMmI8 ishotelManael hotel Stvim Sttvtera of Havana head of the thehovee theof thehaaehovee of 3Hviera It Co bankers kers and mer merchants Jlterc mere111tats chants c of Havana a lifelong H lOBg friend friendaad frieRdcIoIIe friendandand dose bastness assoeNLte of J X XCfebaHos I ICe4 CfebaHos Ce C alioe and a Cuban aw correspondent eon ent ef J JJ JM3 J M CetoeNos ft Co CoKKher CoJot CoEnvierEnvier lost try y him In spe sjrtuiiftn u1Mlea i or to toMs Ia1Iullatt InhisMs ppisscsion poeeese on is IJGI i00tot Mlaft in Jti money mo 8 andother and andother IUIdotIIerother property belonging to the New NewYork NewYwk NowYorkYork house houseHard house1IarrI houselardHard lard to 3Inke Collections CollectionsTwo CoUeetlonsTwo CollectlousTwoTwo months age so Mr Silviera wrote wroteMir WroteJIIIPCebaIla wroteImoMir JIIIPCebaIla Ceballos connections ooftn ctIons got slack to toOfea inC htCOfea C Cuban revolution Oft was impending impendingand Jpendt JpendtAIId impendingandand it was impossible to secure anything anythinglike aaythlDSJlnlike 1111 prompt payments He would do the thebest thebe thebebest be he could eoukIJater later he wrote TOte but the thesituation tlIesltatIoft thenltatlonsituation was really rall getting worse and andfrom JUIdt andfromfrom fr that tt time up to last week v a rani ranitttane mulI nnulttadeI tttane of excuses e cuem and very little money moneycame mOltQcame moneycametcame to the New York house from its itsHavana JtaHaft ItsHavanaHaft Havana agentEvemtealty agent agentEventually a ntEventvanyEventually Mr Ceballoe got a cable cablelast IeWIt cableIzslast Izs week Monday from Mr Silviera 5i1rlan m mwhich in inwhieMwhich Jh hut latter r MI Saw d Ife II lrad hjaot et beers beersatpaasfpbt seejt seejtsa4oeatpaasfpbt sa4oe afnjl ht IitiC MdW s en the most mostarias most hs hsaraovsaraovs arias risks 11 and that he would start > on onthe onmJ the following day to bring a COlli oompfcr oompfcraccounting te toataeunthidaccounting and terg large sums 1111 of bullion bumedratt bngkndatts sf sfdraftsdrafts to Ceballoe Co to take a long longrest 10narat longrestrest rat and to spend a long visit with his hisold hiesoldold and true friend the head of the firm firmHe ftrmHe firmHeHe started from Havana according accordta to tohte tohJ tohishis announcement on one of his own ownsteamers ownstamen ownsteamerssteamers the Carmenna carrying as its itssole Ita80ie hasolesole passengers his wife and children and andmanned anetJIIIUIDOd andmannedmanned entirely by his own employee employesMr emplo emploMr employeeldrMr Cebalkw CellaJ expected his friends n ones on onSunday 011StuI4I4u onSuadoySunday bat he knew that the Carmelina Carmelinawas Canncllnai CazmellnaWwas W a cattle boat of but 2000 OOO tons bur burden burda burden i den and was not greatly worried when whenthe whenthe whenthethe shin n failed to make port tnt day On OnMonday OnJtlOlHlay OnMondayMonday be had a sharp lookout kept for forthe fotthe forthethe overdue steamer and began to feel a abit at abitbit t concerned though tbou anxious over the deal dealOn dealOa dealOnOn Tuesday Mr Cebaltos began to make makeinquiries makeiaQatrte makeinquiriesinquiries for the mteeiae mIe ship He made madeas madeuor madeasas thorough uor h inquiries as possible Cables Cabeehave Cableshave CabIeIIfthave ft been sent to every port which the theCarmelina theCarmeDna theCarnueIInaCarmelina could have reached in the time timeehvpsed timeeJap timeelapsedelapsed ed since October 2 The Carmeitna Carmeiimthas Carmeitnahas Cannell Cannellauhas entered none of these ports nor has hasthere baathere hastherethere come in lit as far as a can be ascer 8Certalfted aeeertwined ascertained twined any vessel ve which has spoken or orsighted oraJPted orsightedsighted her herShips IterSblps herShipsShips Whereabouts Unknown UnknownConsequently UnknownCoMequently UnknownCensequendyConsequently no member of the firm and andao andDO andnoao lawyer 17 connected with the th investiga investigation iatve inveotigation tip tiptton tion can tell whether the Carmelina has hasmade hasmademade 1 for the end8 ends of the earth whether whetheritit has been sunk with the Silviera family familythe famnytile familythethe crew seeking a hiding place on some somelittle ome1IUte somelittlelittle unknown coast or whether it lenihslts hi hifcntlsms jsrulfcntlsms rul about bout the Spanish Main as a apirate a1m apiratepirate or whether it has met with some someaccident 500HacelMnt someaceldentaccident accidentAH acelMntAJ1 aceldentAllAH the circumstances taaces inspire opeculation specula speculation vpeeuIatloo tloo tion but it is noteworthy that in the thextateniaUi theIttattaI thestateneasxtateniaUi given out oy y tile counsel t el to today to today today day not even CR a suggeion susge Ion is made e that thatthe 1batthe thatthethe ship has met with some ordinary ordinarymishap ordlnftrymtahap ordinarymishapmishap OH the high seas seasAs SMSA8 seasAsAs alleged by William Nelson Crom Cromwell Cromwell Cromwell well attorney for the assignee the cir eircumstaaCes circumstances drCUIU cumstances CUIU are as follows followsJ followsuJuJ J M M Cebalkw Co bankers of hew IsewYork hewYork ew ewYCMkYork and Havana have today made madege a ageneral ageeneralgeneral ge ral assignment for the benefit to Wil William WIIJiam IViI11am liam V Rowe of the law firm of Sullivan SullivanA SullivanCromwellA Cromwell with William elson Crom Cromwell Cromwell Cromwellwell as counsel to the assignee The SUfi suspensteR SUfiIHIRI sueDdnieionpensteR ia stated by the firm to be due to tothe tothe tothethe defalcation of Manuel Silviera of SJl SJlviara SlIiQl1l 531vleraviara 4b Co bankers and merchants of ofHavana ofHavtM ofHavanaHavana who for several years have rep represented repre represented resented re the business bu office o lce of Ceballos CeballosCo I ICo RCoCo His deficiency amounts to 1M9OM 1 in inmoney inmo inmoneymoney and other property propertyDisappears propertyDfsnlpenrS propertyDisappearsDisappears from Havana HavanaStlvfora lIaanaSCh1ora HavanaSilviaraStlvfora disappeared from Havana on onTuesday onT1IeIday onTiiendayTuesday the 3d inst in one of his own ownsteamers o ownsteamers 11 11stlamerssteamers named the Carmelina withNew with withNew v1thNewNew York as his ostensible destination destinationIn de tinat1oDInIn local publications he announced his alstdon in nthither intention thither of going to New York and m mletters let letJettenl Inlettersletters to Mr Ceballos he declared his htepurpose hisJMIIP08e1 purpose of coming to New York and per pernonally fIruy perseallynonally presenting N his accounts and delimning de delivering deUwrt limning Uwrt C the balance lance on handHe hand handHe h8JtdHeHe was expected in due course to toreach torelldt torentreach New York on Monday of this thisweek tblsbut thisweekweek but failed to appear and it has just justdeveloped j jdeYeIoped justdevelopeddeveloped by cable from Havana that Instead in instead In Instead stead of departing for New York be had hadleft badJert hadleftleft for parts unknown accompanied by byhte 1yhN byhishis wife and children Every effort Js Jsbeing sabeing a abelbeing bel made to locate the absconder absconderSilviera ab5CoDderSllnera absconderS1lvleraSilviera A Co were wer one of the largest largestand largestand t taAdand gent t known firms in Havana were werethe werethe werethethe largest lara importers of cattle in Cuba Cubaand Cubalid Cubaandand were reputed especially to have made madeaa large fortune immediately bnmedlat l after the thewar tlwlr tlwlMr thewarwar rwarMrMr lr Rowa the assignee snee immediately immediatelytook immediatelytook immediatelytooktook charge ch rg of the businessMr business businessMr bu lncaMrMr Cromwell counsel for the assignee assigneestaled ae lgneestated assigneestatedstated staledMessrs statedrQsers statedMessrsMessrs Ceballos C belIos Co had no pre premonition preJI pronenitio JI monition nlt1aq of this conduct C nduct of their agent agentCONTINUED aseutOONTINUJID agentCONTINIIBDCONTINUED ON 0 OiBCOND SECOND PACK PACKThe P PALSThe AGB AGBTheThe Johnson Cafe 13th and E Is IsNoted Isjj 4 Noted for Its Game New York Meats Meats AcWide c cWide e eWideWide Boards 2 Per 100 ft ftLnmber ftLumber itLumberLumber Trust Broken Brokentlbbey DrokenLlbboy BrokenLhboytlbbey S Co 6th si st and and N Y aveWEATHER FORECASTFor FORECAST FORECASTFor FORECASTForFor the District of Columbia ColumbiaEastern ColumbiaEastern ColumbiaFEastern Pennsylvania New F Jer Jersey J Jersey e17 e17sey sey Delaware and MarylandFair Maryland MarylandFair lvlarylandFair Fair today and tomorrow tomorrow lignt ligntto lig liglitto t ttoto fresh fr h westerly winds windsHERALD windsHERALD windsHERALDHERALD NEWS SUMMARY SUMMARYTELEGRAPHIC SUMMARYTELBGR4PHIG SUMMARYTELBGRAPHICTELEGRAPHIC TELBGR4PHIGDisaPpearS TELBGRAPHICDisappears TELEGRAPHICII Disappears DisaPpearS with a multon mton dollars in ingoM Ind InTostlmoni InSoldSold SoldTostfmonunfaworabl dTestimony Tostlmoni Tostfmonunfaworabl j unfavorable unflLoi Ia to Dr Breuwsr BreuwsrSecretary Brou6rSecretaw BrouwglrSecretarySecretary Secretaw Shaw advocates fluctuating fluctuatingreserve nUOtutl nUOtutlreserve fluotuatinreservereserve reserveCol reserveCot reserveCoLCol rabys SI 9liys men hold reunion reunionStandard reunlooStandttltl reunionStandarflStandard loses two points in Ohio oR ohsuit oRsuit oNsuitsuit suitChfn suitChinesesuitChineseChinese Chfn 8 smugglers captured capturedStave capt1lredSlave capturedSlaveSlave dungeon n found under Stephen StsphanOirards Stph StphQtrards StephenglrardsOirards home homeCabal homeCabal homeCabalCabal forces Gen Funeton Fun ton from fromNew Cuba CubaNew CahnNewNew Botch Brf ll war ship most powerful powerfulover powillftulaver powst ul uleverover builtPOLITICAL POLITICALWooflwfE POLITIUOALVoodnuff PO LUP1CAL LUP1CALWondeuftWooflwfE stirs Hflfctses He Hughes wll ell reovrfred r at Buffalo BnffiafeLOGAIj BuffaloLOCAls blO blOLOcaLLOcaL LOGAIjtima LOcaLOIOI 01 time telegraphers do mo their tltelrvettfton QM QMvenflon oon oonvvenflon venflonBfatrict vettfton vettftonJfJtriet v ionBfatrict actimates may exceed stew stewmfluBns 8Ieww 8IewwmftUeDS elf en enmMiensmfluBns mfluBns35r mftUeDSDr mMiensDrDr Maurice I Bgan E appointed an andl la lacflan 1adiemdiem n oommigsloner oommigslonerSpanishAmerican comtnlfWloRerSNUJI oommisSionerSpanlehAmericanSpanishAmerican SNUJI hAmerican War Veterans eteram elect electoflloers fiatofficers ect ectotflceraofficers otflceraY officersY oflloersYY M C A hokls banquet and reunion reunionAlexandria reunionAlexandriaAlexandria bank runner loses 1iOO 1iOOREVOLUTIONISTS ldPlOREVOLUTIONISTS 3606 3606EEVOLTITIONISTSREVOLUTIONISTS ARE CAUGHT CAUGHTItusslaii CAUGHTUU14slan CAUGHTRussianRussian Officer and Twenty T1vcnt Soldiers SoldicrnATrcwteil SoltHcrrrctctI SoldiersArrestedArrested at Vilnia YilntnSt VilniaSC YIJmaPetel8QulXSC St Petersburg Oct It ItAll All the memben membenofof an organization conducting coDductl a revolu revolutionary revolaUonarr revolutionary tionary agitation in the army have been beenarrested beenarreated beenarrestedarrested at YUma They comprise e an of officer offleer offleer fleer twenty soldiers and a Jew and andJewess andJ andJewessJewess JewessSTANDARD J JewessSTANDARD eWeA eWeASTANDARDSTANDARD HIT TWICE TWICEi T TWICEOllioSeozes l0E l0EO1i OMoSeores O1 oScores Important Iln1GZtalltPoillts Iln1GZtalltPoilltsill Points Pointsin Pointsillill Oil Trust Hearing HearingdUOTE HearingQUOTE b bQUOTEQUOTE ROCKEFELLERS WORDS WOEDSAttorneys WORDSAttorncs WORDSAttorneysAttorneys for the State Granted GrantedPrivilege GrantedIrlvllec GrantedPrivilegePrivilege to Introduce Answers AnswersFiled AnswersFIlcd nltwcrll nltwcrllPilerlFiled in 3SOS 1SUSOrhlnal Original Certificate CertificateShow CcrtfficatOlrSIlo CertificatesShowSIlo Show Finn Iun of Operation Unchanged Unchangedbyby b Ouster Omoi cr Order OrrIcrQne OrderQuestion Qncstiou diou OpenFindlay Open OpenFindhty 011 en enniayFindlay Ohio Oct laTbe pcosccudon pcosccudonwon den denOftwon Oft today t da7 upon the crucial test of their thencase theircue theircasecase cue the prlvifeee IJrl to introduce as evi evidence mdeaee erhdeuce deuce the answers scrubs of John D Rocke Rockefeller Rockfel1er Rockefeller feller to interrogatories flied ed by Attorney AttorneyGeneral AtueyGeneral AttorneyGeneralGeneral Moat itt m his contempt contemptJtJJt pro proceed pro proia1 ceed JtJJt JtJJtr ia Jam S r t ttWJt + i iftltfcftltfc tWJ Jamdt attorney dt ttaent Isr far fit we ti Slate Slateadmit i ittilkt Staten4aiitadmit ttilkt that i Bad d the wart MIRtndI nrtetf irthem against againstthem aflestthemI them In this partictdar their case cueha wound weisfBhave woundhave1 have ha fallen tan flat he With this foundation fouadattto fouadatttoWOIk to loowork toworkwork from iron and the evidence In Into hand handto hardtoto build with they expect to be able to toestablish toe toestablishestablish e tabUah conclusively that there has hasbeen hasbeen hasbeenbeen no real change to the conduct uct of ofthe ofthe ofthethe trust since its organisation organisationAnother 0I organhuatlonAnother 1l1a aaAnotherAnother distinct triumph was scored scoredtoday scoredtoday scoredtodaytoday in the introduction of a series of ofcerticates ofrtlcalea ofcertiateacerticates original trust These were furnished by byMrs byKrs byMrsMrs Krs Ida M Butts stepdaughter of ofGeorge ofGeorae ofGeorgeGeorge M Rice Rice of Marietta now deceased de deceased de ceased formerly a teadin loading independent independentoperator tntIepencJeatoperatGr Independentoperatoroperator whose financial ruin came as a aresult aresult aresultresult of the Standard StandardThese StandardTheae StandardTheseThese certificates were issued to Rice Ricewhen RIcewhen Ricewhenwhen the revision of the Standard OilCompany OH OHCompany 011CompanyCompany plan of operations came following follow following followIng ing the ouster ou ter order from the SupremeCourt Supreme SupremeCourt SUpremeCourtCourt in Inlm J8K They are variously dated datedmost datedmo datedmostmost of them being between 1893 3 ix and UK UKIn J8IIn 6 6InIn all they represent eight ht shares of Stand Standard StandarcI Standard ard Oil stock being six shares of the theoriginal theoI1gioa1 theoriginaloriginal trust issue par value 100 100 frac fractional fractional fractional tional scrip in the subsidiary corporation corporationstocks corporationatocu corporationstocksstocks aggregating Oil stock and a certificate of legal title titleissued UtJeIaued titleIssuedissued by the Standard liquidating true trustees truetees truetees tees tees also equalling equaJli in value one share of ofStandard ofStaudard ofStandardStandard Oil stock stockAlt stockAll stockAllAll of these t certificates are unchanged unchangedPresented lIAC um haaged haagedPresented edPresented Pre ented to the directors of the Stand Standard StaJIdani Standard ard Oil Company C mpeny they will call for the theissuance thet theIssuanceissuance of Ida M Butts as executrix executrixofof the estate e tate of George M X Rice of eight eightshares eightsharesshares of Standard Oil 0I11ttoek stock Upon thesecertificates these thesecertificates tAe8ecertJfteatescertificates wiU be based the argumas argument t for forthe forthethe prosecution pro that the trust has neverbeen dissolved dissolvedQuestion dlaolvedQuelttlou dissolvedQuesfdonQuestion Is J Left Open OpenOnly 01enOn OpenOnlyOnly On I one other feature figured fa to todays to todars todays days proceedings The prosecution JIO sought soughttoto introduce a certified certified ed copy of the in increase 1a 1acrease Increase crease of the trustees of the Standard Oil OilCompany 011Company OilCompanyCompany In New Jersey following the theouster theoU6ter theousterouster suit in 18S1 The certificate came camefrom camefrom camefromfrom the Secretary of State of New Jeraey Jer Jersey Ter8ep sey The objection was offered to its in introduction Introdu Introduction troduction trodu tlon and strenuously 8boenuou ly supported The Thecourt Thecourt Thecourtcourt had reached no decision at ad adjournment adjoUrnment adjournment journment journmentTonight joUrnmentTonight journmentTonightTonight the attorneys for the presses prosecution IOMCUUOtl pressesLion Lion are plainly elated They have bold boldthe laJdtb kidthethe tb foundation of their case cue which they theyunhesitatingly theyunbeeltaUngly theyunhesitatinglyunhesitatingly declare can result to nothInS nothing noth nothing ing but conviction unless the Jury chances chancestoto disagree disagreeJudge dgreeJudge disagreeJudgeJudge Banker has made an order that thatthe tllatthe thatthethe Jury shall not be separated during du the thehearing thehearing theharinghearing haringACCUSED hearingACCUSED hearingCCUSEDACCUSED MAN CHOSE DEATH DEATHrial DEATHAwaiting DEATHi DEATHAsnitingiAwaiting Trial rial for Robbing Holblu Mails Mnllxlie JlailHlIc Mailslielie Took Poison PoisonNew IobonNew PoisonNewNew York Oct 10 IOoWhen When the case ofJ ofJRuiof 0 0Rulof oRulofRulof P Bagraw accused of robbing the themails thetRaIls thematsmails was called before United States StatesCommissioner StatesCommioaer StatesCommissionerCommissioner Shields In the Federal FederalBuilding Federalnulldlft FederalBudkltngBuilding nulldlft today the th clerk paused a me moment met me114t ment t with his pen poised over er the record recordThen recordThen recordThenThen he marked the case off the boob boobwith boobwith j jwithwith this notation notationAccused notatlellAccused notationAccusedAccused committed suicide suicideBagraw JNtcIdPBasraw suicideBagrawBagraw killed himself hi by drinking car carboIlo carbulbo jboito acid early today at his home 3D 3DClay 11Clay 3iClayClay street Newark N J He sat t up all allnight aUnight annightnight trying to nerve himself to face ar arraignment arralpment arraignment raignment in court and he lost the battle battleWhen battleVhen battleWhenWhen his mother tearful and sorrowing sorrowingwent sorro sorroWent sorrowwentwent to call him she found him dead on onthe onthe onthethe floor He Heleft left this note behind behindPride behlDc1Pride behindPridePride pride pride Sold my life for fornothing fornothing fornothingnothingDeareat nothing nothingDearest nothingDearestDearest Mother M tber Far better for you you to tovisit tovIsit tovisitvisit th the grave of the boy you loved sodearly God knows I could not face thisMother live for dear father and sisters sisterssake sisterssake sisterssakesake who always made It so pleasant for forme fotme formeme Death rather than this God forgive forgiveme forgiveIftl forgtrememe again againPnt againPut againPutPut Your Snrplns 3Ionc Money > to Work WorkFor WorkFor ork orkJlFor Jl r you by depositing same In n baakin baakindapt bankingdept of Union Trust Co Iffl4 F st st Inter Interest Interest Interost est paid Deposits Dpo lts subject to check at will v1DJ willJ j ji jJ iJ II Small t t Sons Florists FloristsHth Plorists14th Florists11thHth and G sts Washington WaldorfAs Waldorf WaldorfAsfiflrta WaldorfAsfAsfiflrta Asf As Orin I1r and IKS Broadway New NeYork YorkflN ND SLAVE UVE PRl PRISON PRISONDlulgeoll N NDungeonDungeon b Discovered D zsco T exec l Under UnderStephen UnderStephen Uu delStephen e p llell Girards ezzaz i d f S Home Homeniogal Ii GTle GTlet GTleOTLI11 11pRICimtOTLI pRICim x xillegal OF IErBF qT1ThTE qT1ThTEIllegalIllegal Traffic by Eccentric Ml Mllionaire illllionaire MilBonairelionaire Possible PossibleResilience PossibleRClJlrlcncc PossibleResidenceResilience bat Short Distance from fromthe fromthe fromthethe Del Delaware > wnrc and ane Secret Access AccessEasy AeeellEasLegeml AccessEasyLegendEasLegeml Easy Legend of Hnnntiiipr that thatHang1 thatHungOcr tintHungHung HungOcr Over the District DJ Districtow trlct Xow 01V ISr ISrplnined IhplaiDedPhilanthropist 1BzplninedPhilanthroplstplnined plaiDedPhilanthropist Philanthropist a Believer Believerinin Slavery SlaerFortu SlaveryFortune Portnne c Q a Slyaiery SlyaieryPhiladelphia 3IT 3bystcryPhiladelphia cr crPhllacJelplliPhiladelphia Oct 18Subw 1 1eSUDWIq Subway r work workmen werIcmen WWerkmen men digging cH n deep beneath Wfctor street streetabove atreetabove sliestaboveabove Market for the foundations of tho thonew tMaew thanewnew tunnel station uncovered at a di IIptIt IIptItof 4kof tk tkofof HO feet what te clearly an old oktpri8On Slave Slaveprison slaveprisonprison The pen Is composed of narrow narrowcells BalroweelltJ narrowcellscells in throe tiers with threefoot corri cerridora corridors eorrtdoni dora between the heavy walls HeavyIron Heavy Heavyiron HY7IIOItiron bars covered the windows 11ndowseach and to laeach toeacheach cell were manacle supportersDirectly supporters supportersDirectly SUPItWte18DirectlyDirectly above them te the house of ofStephen otStepben ofStephenStephen Girard the eccentric imTHonalre mID mIDwho ndUIsmendrewho imTHonalrewhowho gave n Girard College to Philadelphia PhiladelphMand PhllHeJpfdaand Philadelphiaandand whose estate is now valued to the thehundreds thehundreds thehundredshundreds of millions million It was in tearing tearingdown teetiagdown tearingdowndown this house how which the traction com company COIDqy cornany any had bought from the Girard trust trustthat trust trustthat trustthatthat they came across the prison prisonIt JHi8oIt prisonItIt has toner been be handed down In local localhistory Ioealthat localhistoryhistory that Girard drove a brisk slave slavetrade slavetrade e el1Metrade and that some of the baste of his htegigantic histle hisgiganticgigantic tle fortune came from the barter of ofthe ofthe ofthethe blacks AS A soon as the discovery was wasmade wasmade wasmademade the whole board of trustees flocked nockeddown rtoek rtoekdown flockeddowndown to the dungeons They were not al allowed allowed allowed lowed to examine them but will tomor tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow rowOrigin o or Fortune a Mystery MysteryGirard JIstcr JIstcrGtranI MysteryOMardGirard came to o Philadelphia to 17 17J1 Ia Iathe laUte Inthethe ijr 11 of mx he made Ms heroic loan to toftnanc tollaaoctthe toflaanceftnanc ftnancvthe llaaoctthe vthe the country to its war After that thathe thathe thathehe workel Otke i among the yellow 7eHo fever victims victimstoIn Philadelphia PIdJa4el Iab after nearly every one oneelse ODeelse oneelseelse had fled the city The orbjia of offolt1me his htefortune hisfortunefortune has always been a aThe mystery mysteryThe mysteryTheThe colls run six to a tier are each eachlarge eachIar1e eachlargelarge enough to hold six 1Il men sacked to toclosely litcloRb incloselyclosely The old Girard house te within withinhalf wJUdJthalf withinhalfhalf a square uare of the Delaware Delaware and secret secretaccess entJICft8 secretacesaccess aces would have been beenGIranI easy easyGirard easyChardChard believed in shivery owned wnedaacI stoves stovesand slavesandand had many on lib Loatetaaa LI sugar sugarplantation saprpianta sugarplantationpianta plantationJohn plantation plantationJohn Uoa UoaJJohn W Jordan the Pennsylvania His HimCork Historical HJ8torlG torical Cork at Society SocIe librarian Jlbrartaa 1Is arhn saM he had Jsa4WII re recentiy recentlycentiy vteltei WII a slave dungeons under aa nold aaoatWIIhoueoat house to EHrton MA which w ear earri e trJ otrreaggaddllreaggaddll ri soon J ilatl exactly uac to t tA thesedpbus these theseJLJL euxfous riveuawuuico JIaU uc eesem oanocMI lWItIt lWItItthe with wltkthe withthethe discovery dI Is that for years a aOf legend legendOf legendptOf haunting b has hung around old Water WaterStreet Waterazeet Waterstreetazeet Street between Market and andAeb Ash Stories Storiesof StortdoC Storiesofof underground shrieks chainrattlingWows chainrattling chainrattlingblows chAJnrattilqWowblows and all the other timebonorvd timehonoredmanifestations timebonorvdmanifestations timeoonoMmanifestationsmanifestations have been told and it Ita is isa isaa fact that houses near ear the old Girard GtranIplace Girardplace Girardplaceplace cannot be rented because of this thisSHOT thtaSHOT thisSHOTSHOT TEACHER IN SCHOOL SCHOOLJilted SCHOOLJHtCtl SCHOOLJiltedJilted Lover Commits Murder in the thePresence tbuPrescnce thePresencePresence of Children ChildrenCleveland ChlldrcnClevelaad ChildrenClevelandCleveland Oct WJa nes nes Smith of ofWarrensville oCWarrennI1le ofWarrOIasv111eWarrensville shot and killed Miss XI Mary MaryShepard XarySbeparcl MaryShepardShepard the teacher of a district school schoolbefore ecboolDefore schoolbeforebefore a room full of school children childrenThe eblWr eblWrTbe childrenTheThe school l was in a a desolate de place about aboutfifteen out6ft aboutfitteeafifteen 6ft miles from Cleveland The pupils pupilsran pupltllraa pupilsranran frantically traJldca1 y from the building and a acrowd acrowd acrowdcrowd collected bent on lynching Smith SmithHe SmIthHe SmithHeHe fled through a nearby neub forest forest boarded boardedaa street car ADd reached home Just aa aathe aathe asthethe police and wouldbe lynchers reached reach reached JNCbed ed the house Smith shot and killed him himself himJeIf himself self selfTheThe murderer was a fourth cousin of hisvictbx his htevictfcr hisvlttlrvictfcr She Jilted him two months ago agoand apanti agoandand although aJtb he had protested that he heloved lieloved helovedloved her she had refused to see him himagain himapiD himagainagain apiDGOLDFIELDGOLDFIELD IS BURNING BURNINGBliniiip EURNIIiGiUlnlJl BURNINGMiningBliniiip iUlnlJl Town Is Threatened with withDestruction withDCHtrnetion withDestructionDestruction DestructionChicago DCHtrnetionCIdeao DestructionChicagoChicago HI Oct 10Goldfiekl lIGokI ekJ Nev Nev1Mand1l te tehorning Isbeaveinghorning according to dispatches received receivedhere eeetftdbere receivedherehere tonight tonightDefinite tomgntDdJdte tonightDefiniteDefinite news is lacking but it te re reported re reported isported ported that t the water ter works and an ea eathe eatin entirethe business block have already been beendestroyed beeadestroyed beendestroyeddestroyed and that the entire town te in todanger inda indangerdanger dangerThe da dangerThe er erTheThe town is the center of one of the therichest therlchest therichestrichest mining fields in the world orIei and andwas aDdwas andwaswas the scene cene of the recent nt GansNelson GansNelsonfight GtD GoneNelsonfight Neaon Neaonftchtfight Only within a year or two have havehandsome havehallI4iIoIRe havehandsomehandsome buildings bUlkHn s begun to replace tile titeoriginal tileorIpal theoriginaloriginal mining shacks and many m ayof of the thecharacteristics tbeebnetet1 thecharaetmlaticscharacteristics ebnetet1 tles of the mining camp still stillremain unremain stillremainremain remainHIKDHAN remainHTh remainHINDMANHIKDHAN HTh > MAJi MAKES AFFIDAVITDeclares AFFIDAVIT AFFIDAVITDeclares AFFIDAVITDcelarcsDeclares Mutual Life Management ManagementInIn I Electioneering for Ticket TicketNew TlclctNew TicketNowNew York Oct 10 tOoBiscoe Btecoe Hindman Hindmanthe Hiacl Hiaclthe Hindmanthethe general P agent of the Mutual Life In Insurance IRiurnee Insunranee surance Company at Louisville Ky I who whowas whowas whowaswas dismissed after he had refused to topledge topIed topledgepledge pIed himself to resign in case the pol policy polIcy p01Icy icy holders elected him a trustee of thecompany the thecompany thecompanycompany has made an affidavit anida vlt in which whichhe wblchhe whichhehe refutes the statement made by the theMutual theXutual theMutualMutual agency committee The committees commit committees commlttees tees statement said that no money of ofthe ofthe ofthethe corporation can be properly used in inelectioneering Jftel inelectioneeringelectioneering el UoD4erln and this committee has not notand DOtaDd notandand will not authorize any such use useMr URMr useMrMr Hindman begins his affidavit with withaa a letter that was sent out to Kentucky KentuckypoUcy Kentuckypolicypolicy holders on August Augu t 29 0 declaring that thatthe thatthe thatthethe administration admml tratlon ticket Is entitled to toour toemr toourour confidence CODft ence and our suffrage suffrageMr suffrageJilr suffrageMrMr Hmdmans Hindman affidavit says that thisstatement thisstatement this thisstatementstatement was printed by b Thomas PMorgan jr salaried manager for the theMutual theMutual theMutualMutual Life Insurance c Company > of NewYork New NewYork NewYorkYork at Washington D C CFINDS cFINDS CFINDSFINDS GIRL BABY IN COACH COACHConductor COACHConrIuctor COACHConductorConductor Takes Richly IUebI Dressed DressedChild DrctolscdChild DressedChildChild to Philadelphia Police PolicePhiladelphia PoliccPhUadelphla PolicePhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Oct 10 10NesUtng Nestling in the thecorner thecorner thecornercorner of a cushioned seat In a Pullman Pullmancoach PuUmItcoaeh Pullmancoachcoach of the Plttsburs express s a pr pretty prettyblueeyed prettyblueeyed tty ttyblueeyedblueeyed baby was found sound asleep by bythe b7the bythethe conductor at the Broad street t sta station staUoa statloa tion He H carried her to Contra station stationand atattcmaDd stationandand the police are ro searching for Uw Uwmother UNmother themothermother The child was expensively expensivelyclothed expensivelyclothedclothed clothedSkilled cIotlwdSkill clothedSkilledSkilled Skill cd and Unskilled Labor LaborCan LaborCan LaborCanCan work year round in San FranciscoFare Fare JS till October 3L 31 Berth BerthVIa Berthvia S JO JOviavia WashingtonSunset route A A1 J Pos Poston P08ton Poetonton General Agent fill Pa ave nw nwaa a f this tlthe naxaiag naxaiagwhen eRrsng eRrsngwhenwhen the pattering of a driving tIr11a rate alathe on onthe corethethe a till roofs of the wharf abode smer along fps fpsriver t e eriverriver front drowned every ewl7tM ether nonaji nonajithe + ogilitbathe schooner aehoon c yacht Frame wAfea wJdCitbaa lot lotthus T Tthathus tha two wsdcs woes torn 4rte Nett gilt pncavedf pncavedfHatted sd t tUlllted r rtuttedHatted States riaattt a > is v as fc fcvnp v and Stata4IBn atewa the Aldhttk U dlo coejt cos t ted t teded to get t rid oC fits load of fortytwoCbinamea fortytwo fortytwoChtoamea fort7twoCIdateaChtoamea and smuggle esm gbe them the ashore Bythe By Bythe Bythethe sheerest accident the plot failed laBelFlfieea failedFifteen failedFifteenFifteen at the aliens aile have been cap captared captured capluredlured The captain and one member of ofthe oftIM ofthethe crew have been arrested and from fromone 1roIDODe fromoneone of the men the police have a confes confession eoefea8IOD emafeselom sion which tees teU of what t happened trim little pleasure craft with its stttr stttreyed sIkeJOd slit sliteyedeyed yellowskinned pigtailed cargostowed cargo cargostowed Cso8towe4stowed In its dark hold 1nce It left Newfooadland New NewfoundlaDd NufouMIaD4foundlaDd toward the end of ofIta September Septemberonon its strange errand errandCnutrht erraadCnnJ11t errandCaughtCaught liy Accident AccidentAll AecIdentAJI AccidentAllAll the carefully mid plans might t have havesucceeded haftncceeded havesucceededsucceeded had not a laborer J In a coal yard yardhere yardhere yardherehere stumbled over a prostrate KOIK form In tothe IntM inthethe dark He hunted up the night watch watchaian watch1MB watchmanman and together they notified the po ponce po poHce police lice Half aa hour later a squad of patrolmen pa patrolmen patrobIIeA trolmen under the lead ot f aa immigra 1InmIpatl bmmigradon immigration don oncer eases upon fleaa of th thCnlaaavea thCbl the theChlaamsea > f > niitea down downthe doVo11thethe haar I ft H C shore On Onboard Onboad Onhdboard r R wna enti4its frt the txewThe crew crewTha crewnwtThe nwt aaur rt rrrlt rte iv i h or real realwt4 ilheav them On Onman One Onemsaman w wt4 vut t tC 4 captain at atthe atdae a ail dW the veHc a v scatcfo e htct > 4 r thorn tllemmAt thornAt UMaLAtAt pa pIS iu4 4tL + 4 VsL it tt rrtrj rtptraaaii ntaaa tokI oM his htesUtry httIfit hissigrysUtry Of n tijinjrp tr trA + tp > U WM M or tot f the yacht yachtThe yachtTIle yachtTheThe TIle yac 7H p ISi iy fts h eat gone goneabovt Detrc fieshutshut art xt ptt t ift i peri x c i 1ag 1ar time at f + 11 xr a fiv tvi evfor viorv t j r oat t only onlyfor Iyfor onlyforfor twit i i 3 3 t 1 ffit m mVr er 1 tc xver v or he had hadbeen badbeen hadbeenbeen or6 or ct1 i Halifax HalifaxLAt HalUaXLat4J HalifaxLateLAt Late O oa + t uii ui jtt > ti trs > J e e ssicr 4r r at on row rowboats rowboats rowboatsboats with mnU set rirt i iltr + ltti 5a try hetrN t telr r bswa ws be began be beto began gan to att Wt o Of t Ws u UJN A ir r t i FraHc 1 mslk Trip Tripafter Tripy Tripafterafter t ti tithe cy y vi4p t = i l Lh 4ci5rtwo of ofthe oftile ofthethe Chia Cha Chaside side of rt I t ttttUe d r vJefl yddp yddpinto > Into I the3a1 the thebore the1IUIe11IUIe1 tttUe ecai hUl 7 7weighed 3a1 d It t Frolic Frolicwebelweighed p j d tJlJ tJlJbon her sails saiteCff sailsborebore a awsq w i i 1llittaswe > Lllittaswe 1 f 1 v n nCfl tteffCff ltt e s lt t a mate ut cutter cuttersail culterkel cutterpickedpicked t thustiori q t pt Jn f sail they theyta theyJtor theyhetldhustiori Jtor Of Ofsliamird eu J Gm F c ta bearing beartBU bearingellgkt bearingknowsliamird sliamirdcouU ellgkt U JITd y d t pmt rt aknow t know kJlowthey kJlowtheycouk11ie they theyKvan theycouldcould couk11ie be bentS5tet F t t fr frdreg t 1tH ud udttntttnt dreg ntS5tet ntS5tettried e n d I tried tit 4 4 > i t t 3 clLonsday clLonsdaythey Ol JlJH ae day day9tthpyiesC 4thpyiesC they i Milt bltt it z se whIle whIlethe whilewhichthe eavia eaviawhteh t 9t smoke smokeriiij e ewillewhich whtehth wille tki 1 t > riiij ri te made madeNrt JIMUIIktJwoth the cowra cowrath c r rt Nrt Nyttha 1nsr monifng monifngo ut g gtheth the aaaUf aaaUftheir s ItI t o zind trtG Ihte In attheir at atibni atthetheir atp atpThe tHsnr tHsnrThe uiui uiuiTheThe ni JMI i ithem > + r r ibni tbiriIOwnf tbiriIOwnflAUK tlevrnOa tlevrnOaImng down on onaoom was wastteror waschangedcItIIIIgeC + jl c i teaser t of offleeke ofth ofthe Ith SIIIII t m efe 0 e teII a j jut jutWaek t tblackblack Ofc Ofcof t i 1 decks and amiliiB andtaerraiII emu emubgrreltaerraiII yes t f f IIILrhus inshushi liiB IIILrhusI Thuis ThuisII tf n 111 tb > k 1 jit th the Winer Wineryacht JC1Io ncr ncrytClityacht diq f 0 r e11Y 1tt t kind kindof Nl NlOr iof a eni enitknwly cntW > r y ClkU ClkUtiouIIy aantimmslytknwly tin VMTAc > > 1 t ttI t tThatIAc AcTlntt > tI iIo h hTlltlltThat W Wpassed A t 111 111pes i 11g sp sppaa5Odpassed N Nrevenaft NIt i J a ey little littler littlerevenuer revenue v 9 9caused C + aa iiftt cet which wlaiekca whichcausedcaused ca Chi Chipaid > tJi tits titter culterPAId titterpaidpaid no at atNext au + t t t Y nd Jh mypass mypassc J8SS J8SSf J8SSNextc l lNext fNext Sundi Sundiexeerslon i 1 i h See SeeexeurllOri Seeexenrsleitexeerslon t jB jBdId1 Ilarper arp J i ier t In bnsbnrs burgJ13 135 Be Belie n s tl Ii a I I Cum Oumbc Gumbesbes lie lieFrom dd i t6 + 1es 1esFrom rt rtFromFrom gaia at1 J I r T Tm hi m 8ti a am a amm Seniiay s Suril mi y + J ling fromCumbechtac t J 1aI tartft1 tfisburg8 S a 4 p m med on In lid at It oclock lusters ysatoruay ysatoruaymorning ay aymorning y ymonaIDgmorning she splashed her anchor over overboard Oftrboanl overboard board in this port portThe portThe t tTbeThe police also Mo arrested John C Lebesntaa Lehen Lehenmanman maR of Boston who assisted hi landing laadfogthe JaaIbcthe landingthethe Chinese ChineseJenkins ChtDaeTeDld ChineseJenkinsJenkins TeDld Duncan and I ebenman IAben > were werearraigned wenta werearraignedarraigned a before United 4 States Commieebner Commie Commissioner toner Crass at noon charged with unlaw unlawfully usIa usIafully unlawfully fully conspiring to bring the Chinamen Chinameninto OIttaa tdaamenintointo the United States In violation of ofthe ofthe ofthethe exclusion act They pleaded pi not notguilty ROtWHe notguiltyguilty std were held ia HJM each Later Laterthey Latertheythey th y were w taken to Boston for exami examination rxamluntton nation UOft before the United States authori authorities suthoitfs ties there thenTSe thereThe thereCh1a3menThe Chinamen who were captired had hadletters hadktten hadlettersletters on them addressed to w Whig Wia tas Kee KeeS3 KeemS3 Amsterdam avenue aftDtIey New York City Cityand CItJand Cityandand Chan Kew 1402 1 Union street Brook Brooklyn Brooklyn Brook1y4 lyn lynCHINAMENCHINAMEN GOT AWAY AWAYT1cnt AWAYTwentyeightTivontyelsht T1cnt eJght Were arc Slipped Into Intolro IntoProvidenceProvidence lro ldenoe Harbor UarborThe HarborTheThe Il Immigration iBunif ration Bureau yesterday re received re recelec recalved calved word that the schooner yacht yachtFrolic 71IdtlroUc yachtFrolicFrolic which has been cruising c off the theNew theNew theNewNew England coast awaiting awalUa aa oppor poorfealty opportunity fealty ty to land a cargo of fortythree fortythreeChfcuunea fort7thneeJdIuuMa fortythreeCbfnsamaChfcuunea slipped into the harbor pt ptThrMen of ofTuesdayThrMen Tuesday night and was wasMiecwrful waseuccmfalMiecwrful tt la Act aatefttaaiDwr aatefttaaiDwrexploit to tmmiJ wexploit mcpioit Twentyeight of the Chinese Chinesew Chinese Chinesewerew were re landed and escaped Into to the Chinese Chinesequarter aaquarter chinesquarterquarter of the city Fifteen others were worearrested werearrestedarrested The Tb captain and craw of tile thoFrolic tileFrolic theFrolicFrolic aad one of the principal smugglers smugglerswere smugglerswere ugten ugtenwerewere alto captured capturedThe capturedThe eCl eClTheThe attention of the immigration au authorities aathoritIH anthorittes thorities was 8M f fast rt drawn to the smugger smuggingofof Chinese into this country about a amonth amonth amonthmonth ago when the Chinese Inspector at atI atBo8ton atBostonI Boston xot wind of an attempt attem t to bond a alarge aluxe a abargelarge party of cootie laborers at atpobat some somepoint somepaintpoint along the New England coast coastAfter coutAtWr coastAfterAfter a quiet investigation be learned learnedthat learnedthatthat the schooner yacht Frolic had been beenleased beenleasedleased in Boston under mysterious cir circamstances clreaautaDCe8 circomstanceecamstances and had proceeded to the theNewfoundland thetWfoundJaDd thesewtoundlandNewfoundland coast ecut where the Chinese Chinesewere CbIaeeewere Chinesewerewere to be embarked He reported his hisdiscovery hisdiscoverydiscovery to the t e Washington authorities authoritiesand authoritiespuenl authoritiesandand general instructions I were seat nt to all allimmigration aUtIntIon ailkumigratbonimmigration officiate to be on the lookout lookoutforfor the theL vessel Revenue cutters were or ordered 01dered ordered dered to patrol th the coast in an effort to tolocate tolocate tolocatelocate the yacht but they were unsuccess unsuccessful una unaful unsucceeful ful fulBALLOONS fulBALLOONSfulALLGONSBALLOONS ESCAPES AUTOS AUTOSNovel AUTOSNovol AUTOSNovNovel Nov RaGe in Germany Is Won by bythe bythe bythethe AirsMK Airships AirshiplSoor AirshipsScorc i iScoreScore Soor Is Three to One in Favor or of ofAwronnat ofUJounutJ ofatat Awronnat ro avts Who 110 Arc Favored Favoredby Ifa Favoredby oDcd oDcdItby It a Brisk Wind WindBerlin WindBerlin intl intlBerIbaBerlin Oct balloons and a volunteer corps to automo automobiles automobJlea autornobiles biles began this morning urb of Berlin The conditions provide providethat provtdethat providethatthat an automobile will win if it reaches reachesthe reacbethe reachesthethe landing place pla of a balloon within baIt halfan baItan baitasan hour of the balloons landing The Thestart TIleIItrt Thestartstart attracted an enormous crowd crowdFour crowdFOOl crowdFourFour balloons were pursued by seven seventeen watee seventeen teen automobiles whlcu whlc were given fifteen fifteenminutes Alteenminutes fifteeaminutesminutes start They vtook J teok different differentroutes different dUferentroutIn differentroutesroutes routIn in a western wprn direction Balloon No NoI1 which was colored white was toot sight sightio i seven minutes Jllbavtesatter after it started The Thewind Thewi Thewindwind wi ia the upper atmosphere was un unusually ununaII7 sitThrw usually unaII7ThuIt strong strongThnThuIt Thn of the balloons escaped Thefourth The Thefourth Thefourthfourth was w captured by one of the auto automobiles autemo automoblI mo moblI mobiles lleL Daring the race a ear occu occupied oecupied occupled pied by Baron Schieinitx 1 1nJU one of o the theja thejudgesjudges judges ja ran Into a tree and was wrecked wreckedThe wreckedThe wreckedTheThe baron was not severely hurt hurt but the uedriTft thesedriverdriver and another occupant of the car carwere care carwerewere e severely injured injuredThe 18JtIftdlIae InjuredTheThe general idea prompting the races racesIn raeesI racesisIn I that Berlin is besieged be and that it te tenecessary IIIK isnecessarynecessary IIK that important dispatches dbpatehescape es escape escape cape the besiegers besiegersThe beaIetrenTheballoonl8ts besiegersTheThe Theballoonl8ts balloonists were instructed to take takeadvantage takeJMhanta takedvantageadvantage that would take them across water waterwoods waterwG waterwOrowOro woods dll dp and other obstacles obstacl forcing the theautomobile theaUtolftOWle theautomobiletoautomobileto automobile to make long detours det detJAP detours3APANJAPAN JAP RESENTS TREATMENT TREATMENTTokyo TREATffiNTTolo TREATMENTTokyoTokyo Paper PAIH r Demand Dcm ultlH flint MIkndo MIkndoStop JlIkntloStop MILzadoStopStop Californias Persecution lcrneeutlonTokyo lersccntionTokyoTokyo Oct 10 JOA A demand that the theMikado theMikado theMikadoMikado rescue the Japanese In California CaUfomlafrom CsIUorniafromfrom the persecution to which It Itchared te ischarged techargedcharged they are subject te made in the theYorosu theYftrWnI theYereeuYorosu Cnoho a widely circulated Tokyo Tokyopaper TokyQJapei TokyopraisepraiseEver paper paperEverJapeiEver Ever since IDee the California Republicans Bepubllcansadopted Republicansadopted publlcaDs publlcaDsa40ptedadopted a platform demanding demandM Japanese Japaneseexclusion Japaneseexclusion Japaneseexclusionexclusion the paper says the Mikados Mhkadossubjects Mikadossubjects Mikadossubjeetasubjects there have suffered aH kinds kindsof Jdndiof kindsofof mistreatment mistreatmentTo ml8treatmutToTo leave 50099 Japanese to such a fate fateIt fateitit te argued Is to discourage emigration eml emlaud emigrationaadcheck attempts at national expan expansion expaa3iotl expanslon sion slonll 273 a 7 Lnray Lura Caverns and ReturnIncudlng ReturnIncluding Return ReturnIncludingIncluding transfer and adtnteslbn Rd to fa famous famous famoms mous Caverns from BaltinMN had Onto Ontostation Obtstation Ohiostationstation S46 a m Sunday October 14 14Returning HReturninS 14ReturningReturning leave Luray 6 p m mLAY DEAD AMID A1t ID BUSTLE BUSTLENoNo One Knew It When hen Longshore Longshoremans LongBhoremn Longshoremans mans mn Life Pa Pallllerl ed Out OutNew Out8W OutNewNew 8W York Oct 10 lIt It does not seem seemFNtftblc soemJcwtWc seemiombloFNtftblc that a man could uld Us doad in this thiscity tbl tblallY thiscitycity for twentytour hours in a spot spotwhiah spotwhichwhich 11111 is in rul full view few of hundreds constantly con constantly contaUIJy stantly > passing to and fro without somebo9y some somebody MO O Ooj body oj making mak c an investigation Stfli Stflisuch StilisUttt t9i t9isodssuch a case came to t the attention of till thaauthorities tillauthorftJes theauthoritiesauthorities this th morning frnln The body c f fJohn rJ fJointJohn J OIm Duffy forty iriui lay on the striugpiece fringing the theCunard tileCunard theCunardCunard line pier on the North River Riverdose Riverdose Riverclosedose by the busy Gensevoort Mark Market Marketfrom Iarke Iarkefrom t tfromfrom yesterday y y ncrnbng nx n rninc until this morn morning mornug mornIng ing when at last i ii occurred to some somebody 10 10bod somebody body bod to look a MtJe closer at the man manLongshorrmen manIongMoAmen manLongshoremenLongshoremen wheeled trucks of boxed boxedgoods boxedup boxedgoodsgoods up and down past or along the thepier tileXiet theFierpier truckmtn arrived or departed with withaa rattle and a crack of whips ships came camein canMIn cameinin and wont out and tugs tU 8 petted up antI amidown anddowndown the river while hlle over in the market marketaa step tel away a babel La el of mingled sounds soundsar383 IOUMaar soundsarmarm ar Kvcrythtafc was excitement excitementeverything excitementcvcrythIngeverything was 1 alive except Duffy and andno andnono one knew W that in the midst of lit litthey ilta iltatbeytbey were in the presence of death deathThat deathThat deathThatThat fellow has made a strange bed bedsaid bedMidsaid drenched there thereDo thereDoDo him good responded his compan oorapanion companion ion It will soak some of the bad wide whiskey widekey key oct of or him Only a drunk come comeWilliam contealDag comag comaWilliamalDag gWn William tam Gabrino of 191 West Thirty Thirtjsecond Thirtysecondsecond street a produce dealer was on onhfe OfthJ onhishis way to Gansevoort Market with his hiefriend hisfriendfriend Bernard Nauss Na this morning morningwhen mornlnrwbra morningwhenwhen his eyes lit on the body of Duffy DuffyHe Dalt DaltHe DaffyHeHe remembered that the man had been beenthere beenthere beentherethere at It oclock yesterday morning and andthought aDdthouPt andthoughtthought it strange that no one had gone goneto gonetoto see whether it was possible blo for t r one oneto ODem onetoto deep so km Ion in what was wa little short hort of ofdeluge atetuge ofaa deluge delugeCome delugeCoins etugeComeCome wake up he called calledThere caUet1Tbere calledThereThere was no resistance rel at all The Theshake Theshakeshake almost sent the body into the riverThe river riverThe riverTbeThe river front was as it was yester yesterday yeaterday yesterday day and as it will be tomorrow throbbing throb throbbin throbbingbin bing with life lifeTILU1AN UteTILLMAN lifeTILLMANTILLMAN ON THE NEGRO NEGRODiscusses NEGRODiscusses NECRODiscussesDiscusses Amalgamation and andEesponsibility andResponsibilitJT aiitlonsibilitResl7 Resl7PLEADS Eesponsibility onsibilit m of Whites WhitesPKEADS WlritesPLEADSPLEADS FOR PURER MORALS MORALSIVonld MORALSonIrI MORALSWouldWould onIrI Do Away with Fourteenth Fourteenthand Fourteenthandand Fifteenth Amendments and In Introduce Introrlucc Introduce troduce European Passport Sys System SYHtom System tem for ior Supervision of the Col Colored Colored Colored ored Race in the South SouthLittle SOUtllIAttle SouthLittleLittle Bock Rock Ark Oct MLSensdtor 1I5e Tfll Tlqman Tfllman lIItorman of Sooth Carolina Carott delivered an ad address 1IdItere addressdress here today on the race questtefi questtefiAmong q qotbtr guestidnAmongAmong other things he said saidA aidA midAA crisis is approaching approachingeye ay It is baere lsltere lslterewhen ere erewhenwhen the white bIIe men must D is rule ruJt this tbteSouthland thisifimtbiaad 1Southland of om 01IIW ours regardteas repII of all 11 the theYaajHMv theYaakYaak YaajHMv es between Cape Coiuia ee d he 1t I Iw9 Ia 1iiineeiiinee w9 sar a ttrfafr twbdm which te avfitwary it itwhich M Mwhich Iwhich I regret to say I believe It trots trotsand was wasandand is I the purpose of the politicians in inthe Inthethe North to so amalgamate the two races racesin raees1ft racesInin the South as to make us alt part ne negro De DeSZO noare are The Southern women are standing standingguard standingpard standingguardguard at the door of the temple of race racepurity racepurity racepuritypurity and he men are aiding ia the theamalgamation the1p theasnalgamatlouamalgamation 1p 0I1 There can be no dual dualstandard dualfiandard dualstandardstandard of home life in this country countryWe countryWe countryRWe R e demand and rightly too that our ourwomen ourwomenwomen be pure They are with us 1111 and andby aDdby andbyby the living God a white man who will willnot willDOt nInnotnot stand with us should b De made to live liveforever JIveforever liveforeverforever with the wretches with whom he hedelights beeUcbta hedelightsdelights to associate associateWould associateWould allllOdateouldWould ould Force Forcelcgroes Xcproes North XorthII would like to have all the the negroes negroesmove negroesmove negroesnavemove to the North In fact I have AaveBCbeDIe a ascheme aschemescheme by which I believe it fe possible possibletoto compel many of them to go there therewhere therewhere therewherewhere they appear to be loved so dearly dearlywhere dearlywhere dearlywherewhere the Presidtttt of the United Lntte d States Stateshas Stateshas Stateshashas sat t down do and eaten wkh one This Thisassociation ThiscIatloft Thisassociationassociation of white men with negroes negroesoften ne neotten negroesoftenoften times starts the demon in the thenegro UteMPO thenegronegro which ends hi an assault upon UpOftwllbe a awatte awhitewhite woman The negro te Jed to believe believethat believethat believethatthat he te as good as a white man why whynot whDOt whynotnot as good as a white lIlte woman and thenbe then thenhe thenbebe soon dangles from the end of a rope ropeIT rope ropeIt ropmelfIT there are men with grit enough to todo 10to tododo their duty itrtyNow QoNow dutyNowNow for the remedy In Europe Europewhere Europehere Europawherewhere here every one te white all persons personsmust persshow personsmastmust show their papers I believe the thepassport theJQIIPCKt thepassportpassport system to America would abolish abolishravtehings aboIlshnLvlshlnp abolishtavishingsravtehings I know the fourteenth and andfifteenth andAneentb andfifteenthfifteenth amendments would have to bedone be bedone bedGaedone away with When a man leaves leaveshome leaveshome leaveshomehome he would have to present his hispapers hispapers hispaperspapers In addition he would have ve to togive tostve togivegive a good and sufficient reason for forbeing forbeJag forbeingbeing abent It would result in the put putting puttl putting ting tl of the loafers on tho chamgang chamgangwhere cm cmwhere chaingangwherewhere they would be made to work workThe workThe OIk OIkTheThe Herald a Home Newspaper Newspaperatat the Start StartThe StartTh tart tartTheThe Th Washington uhin ton Herald only onlyfour on1yfour onlyfourfour days old yesterday y terdr printed printedcirculated prhttecleireulated prhttedcirculatedcirculated and sold 27782 77ii2 papers paprsOf IM papersOf ers ersOfOf this output 5377 33 3377 1 copies went wentinto weftttato wentintointo the hands of Washingto Washingtonians WaahinbfAnu15r1 Washingloniansl7nians nu15r1 15977 direct to the homes homesThe hOlMSThe homesTheThe Herald is essentially a home homenewspaper homenewspaper tOIIM tOIIMnewspapernewspaper already it has ahousetolouse a ahousetohouse ahoURtobouhousetohouse e circulation that thatembraces thatembraces thatembracesembraces every section of the thecity thecity thecitycity and it is growing by the thehundreds thehuncireds thehundredshundreds every day da p To handle handlesuch handleh handlesuchsuch h a circulation has required requiredthe requiredthe requiredthethe hardest kind of work on the thepart tbepart thepartpart of eighteen hteen route agents eots and andaa small army of carrier boys but butdifficulties butdUBculUe8 butdifficuttieedifficulties are rapidly being betn over overcome overOJDe overcome come Quicker and better dolly delivery dellyery dollycry ery was obtained yesterday and andfurther andfurther andfurtherfurther improvement will ill be bemanifest bemanifest bemanifestmanifest from day to day until untilaa perfect system is established establishedMeanwhile esblblfllhedMeanwhUe establishedMeanwhileMeanwhile The Herald urges Its Itssubscribers ItsRMcrfber Itssubscriberssubscribers to notify the office officeprosaptty officeprO officeprosyprosy prO llPdY when they miss their theirpapers theicpapera theirpaperspapers in order that the into 101 101takes intotakes mistakes takes may be corrected at once onceIlcmemlicr onceRelU onceReiiieiiilicrIlcmemlicr RelU JUlcr The heralds Ilcrnldxtelephone lIeralrIxtcl heraldslelephoactelephone tcl pllou nnnibe u 11 n ml b c r Main MainIKIOO JIninaOonmI 3lnin8300andIKIOO aOonmI anil the location of otThe ofrllc ofTheThe Herald Office 734 34 Fif Fifteenth FIftccnth Fifteenth teenth Street Northwest XortlnvcstToTo meet the immediate re requirements re requfTemeJt requtrements quirements of The Heralds bus business b1l8IRess busmess mess a duplicate of the new newgiant newgtant newgiantgiant quadruple pros pr props four fourpresses rourpree fourpressespresses es in one ODewJll will bo installedwithin installed installedwithin InstaJledwIthinwithin six weeks thus doubling doublingthe doubllD doubllDthe doublingthethe present capacity ef The Her Herald Herald Herald ald planttg2iwu plant plant23JT5tg2iwu 23JT5 3 Memphis and Return ReturnChesapeake ReturnCbe ReturnChesapeakeIChesapeake Cbe peake and Ohio HallwayBrotherhood St St Andrews On sale sal Ootr Ootrber Ooterber 16 1 to IS liberal limit Take C CLimited O OLimited 0LimitedLimited 140 4 p m only one night out outHeat out outHeat outHeatHeat your rooms where hore other heaters fail failwith fall1th failwithwith 1th Ofte Radiators No coal sanitaryinexpensive Demonstrations 509 9th at atTERR TERROR R or THE SE SENew u uNNew N e w V English Warships Warsl arslli ps s Most MostI MostiIV MostWondezfalI Wonderful iIV onderful Ever BuntQitECY Built BuiltSECRECY BuiltSECRECYSECRECY QitECY IS ISHcaT3r MAINThillfED MAINThillfEDHcav MAPDheavyheavy Hcav Broadside FireCombined FireCombinedwith FiredoDlbinednith FireConlbinedwithwith Great Speed SpeedLondon SpeedLondon SpeedLondonLondon Paper Prints Data About AboutYcKselx Alt Ab1ut ut utVCIIeI utVesgelaYcKselx Soon to lie Lauuchlid LauuchlidRevelations Launch id idRevelations d dIteclatlonsRevelations Come as a Surprise Ito ItoBritlahShift io ioBritish tollrItJBritish BritlahShift llSlft Snift Bnongh to Catch CatchIUL Catchwithr 1 1tvitUtvitU IUL Cruisers Crul erH and Able to Sink SinkThem SinkTheD1Vll1 SinkThemWillTheD1Vll1 Them Will Cost Enormous Sum SuraLondon SumLoIMIoft SumLandonLondon Oet 1ITIIe M The Telegraph says y9 it itlearns ItJeaIM Itleanslearns that the three socalled armored armoredcruisers anuoredcnd8entthe armoredCIIICIII cruisers cnd8entthe settthe the Invincible tble Inflexible 1nAextb1e and andIndomitable andIltabJehleh andIndoadtablewhichIltabJehleh Indomitable which are now beta being built builton builton builtonon the Clyde and Tyne are in reality a anew an anewn new W type of battle ship having a broadside broad broadside broedsJde side nre Are equal to that of the Dreadnaught Dread Dreadnaught Dre d dnaugbtnaught and a much higher speed speedThe speedIM speedTheThe paper says n they will be the most mostwonderful moltwonderful mostwonderfulwonderful ships piI ever hunt Ut for any fleet Seethaving fleethaving eet eethavloghaving greater offensive power than any anytwo anytwo anytwotwo battle ships now in existence exJ com combined combined coinbined bined with extraordinary extraoccJl ary speed speedThere eedThere speedThereThere has been some mysterious secrecy secrecyregarding secrecyr secrecyregardingregarding r ng the vessels y l since they were authorised au authorized authorlzed thorized in the sprta spring of 1546 as was the thecage thecue thecarecage with 1th the Dreadnaught and the pres present prete1t present ent revelations crate n U a surprise surpriseThe surprfeeTbe surpriseTheThe new ships will w t be of 173M 11 tons as asagainst asagalnat asagainstagainst Dreadraughts 17160 but will be befeet40 feet longer Their breadth will be 3 3feet 3h 3hfeet 3feetfeet less than the Dreadnaughts DreadnaughtsEach DreadJuulghtLEach DreadmtughtsEachEach will carry eight 12inch guns gunsagainst guliSapln gunsagainstagainst t the Dreadnoughts ten but theirbroadside their theirbroadside theIr1NoIuJeIdebroadside are fire will be identical as the theITreadnaughi theI1readnaughl theDreadnaughtITreadnaughi is t able to fire only eight uf ufher other ofbether guns in broadside while the new newvessels newvessels I IveMeIsvessels can fire all of theirs theirsThey tbelnrThe theirTheyThey The will 111 be equipped with turbine en engines enme englues glues designed to develop a speed of oftwentyfive Q Qtwentylye oftwentyfivetwentyfive knots but it te likely that on ontheir ontheir ontheirtheir trials they will develop twenty twentyseven twentyHVen twentysevenseven To provide for this high speed speedsomething speedomethll1 speedsomethingsomething in the weight of armor r has hasbeen hasbeen hasbeenbeen sacrificed but otherwise the hulls hullswilt hullsw hullswillwilt be constructed on the same principle principleThe principleuu tile LreadnatlghtL LreadnatlghtLThe 1reaaa lIts lItsTIleThe object seems to be to enable them themto themto themtoto overtake and foreign cruisers and sink sinkthem sinkthem sinkthemthem by their tremendous concentratedgunfire concentrated concentratedgunfire concentratedguaftregunfire It is expected ly I launched When completed they t will willprobably willprobably willprobablyprobably have cost 1759WO pounds sterlhtg sterl sterling sterlms ing each eachAPOLOGY eachAPOLOGY jAPOLOGY FROM HOBOGSO HOBOGSOiU0 MORo PO POn4r 4rLn1Op1dLn1Op1d iU0 9ffu tt Minister Mln1 lt rC CTSmriere mniCr Vtaa WhlaDIpomatie Wine WineDiplomatic VtaaDiplomaticDiplomatic Victory at Fez FezTangier Pez PezTaagIer FezTangierTangier Morocco Oct 1OStI8taction 1OStI8tactionfor Satisfaction Satisfactionforfor the recent IHtreatment of a trader tradernamed tradernamed tradernameainamed SUovi a protege of the American Americanlegation Amet1caBJepUon Americanlegatlonlegation in Morocco has been reported by byMinister byXInlster byMinisterMinister Gummere as the result of his hisvisit hisvIaIt hisvisitvisit to Fee The Moroccan government governmenthas CvernmentlaM governmenthashas promised to comply with every de demand demand demand mand made by the United States Sta in con connection connectIon consection nection with the abuse of Staovi StaoviIn SIaoTLIn SleovlInIn securing this concession from Mo Morocco Morocco Morocco rocco Minister Gummere has broken brokenkli brokenWI brokenIlikli records for settling eet a dispute with the theSxtltan tbeSulta theSultanSultan and his achievement te the talk talkof talkof talkofof diplomatic circles circlesAn drcIeLAn drossAnAn apology has been offered by Moroc Morocco Morocco Motorcc co to the United States for the mistreat mistreatment Jldstreatment mistreatmeat ment of its protege and the officer responrlbhe re responsible re reaponble sponsible for the outrage oat has been im imprisoned Imprisoned imprisoned prisoned prisonedHAY prisonedMAY prisonedMAYMAY RENEW TRIPLE ALLIANCE ALLIANCEGerman ALLIANCEGerman ALLIANCEGermanGerman Foreign Secretarys Visit blt to toHome toRome toRomeRome Given Significance SignificanceRome SlgnlficnnccOIM SignificanceRomeRome OIM Oct Id tOoIn 111 Messagero declares declaresthat dec1ar declaresthat 8 8thatthat the forthcoming visit of the Ger German Germaa German man foreign secretary Baron Von VonTschirsky Yonhchlrsk7 VonrechirskyTschirsky has for its real object the dis discussion dl dlea disemedon Ion of the t question tJon of the renewal of ofthe oru ofthethe triple alliance The Messagero says saysItaly saysItaly saysItalyItaly is b in an embarrassing em position positionowing poeIUOl1owing poetUenowingowing to her h r strong friendship for Great GreatBritain GreatBritain GreatBritainBritain who perhaps may be compelled compelledtoto t 1 arrest by force the menacing develop developments developmatts developments ments The Italian government is face faceto faCto facetoto face with th a great responsibility responsibilityAA contract for the furnishing of an anentire aneatlre anentireentire supply of new guns for the Italian Italianartillery Italianartillery Italianartilleryartillery tau been awarded to the Krupp Kruppcompany Kruppeompaa3P Kruppcompanycompany The amount involved is ld410OR1 11 I IBJORNSEN40009 40009BJOBNSEN 410OR1BJORNSENBJORNSEN AS KINGS ADVISER ADVISERAged ADVISERAJcd ADVISERAgedAged Norwegian Writer Helps Shape ShapeXew ShapeXcw ShapeNewNew Nations Policy PolicyTrondjen POlle POlleTrondjen PolicyTrondenTrondjen Norway Norwa Oct 19 IGBjornst IGBjornstjerne 10Bjornstjerne Bjornst BjornstJerneJerne Bjornsen is the uncrowned King King1of KinSof Kingofof Norway orwy As hale at the age of sev seventyfour seventyfour seventyfour entyfour as most mo t men thirty years his hisJunior hisjunior hisjuniorJunior he is in constant communication communicationwith communicationwith communicationwithwith King Haakon members of the min ministry minJatry ministry istry and all the parliamentary leaders leadersNo 1eadcn5No ladenNoNo important policy poIl y is shaped without his hisapproval blsaooroval hisapprovalapproval approvalHte aoorovalIDa approvalHisIDa Informal authority is wielded with withthe withthe withthethe greatest tact tact and to the common commonpeople commonpeoph commonpeopitpeople he is no more than the most wide widely Widely widely ly known and best beloved citizen Uzen of the thecountry thacountT thecountrycountry countTBLIZZARDBLIZZARD AT BUFFALO BUFFALOSnowstorm BUFFALOSnowstorJU5 5SnowstormSnowstorm in the Lake Region Fol Followed Followcrl Followed lowed by JY Cold WaveNew Wave WaveNew VaTeNewNew New York Oct fA M A heavy snow snowstorm snowstc snowM storm stc M crm rm set in around Buffalo ADd other otherlake otherlke otherlakelake ports this afternoon extending as asfar asfar asfirfar west we t as Detroit The snow began to tofall torlu tofallfall in Buffalo at t oclock and a short shorttime shorttime shorttimetime later had turned Into a fullfledgedbifuard fullfledged fullfledgedbllzsard tul1ftetlged1ttluardbllzsard bllzsardThe 1ttluardThe bifuardTheThe snowfall at Detroit and nearby was wattexceedingly wasfIIXedlBftJ wasexceedinglyexceedingly heavy Word was received receivedfrom reeeindfrGm receivedfromfrom that section that ten inches had hadfallen badfallen hadTallerfallen At Cleveland the snow S was fol followed followed followed lowed by a a cold snap that froM up the theore theore theoreore barges and prevented them from frommaking frommaid frommakingmaking maid a landing bindingMemphis landingKempbts landingMemphisMemphis Tenn Oct 1O WSUght Slight flurriesof flurries flurriesof flurriesorof snow are reported from various parts partsof parLio partsofof o Mississippi 118 Arkansas and Tennessee Tennesseeand Tetane Tetaneal14 Tennesseeandand unusually cold weather prevails but butso buts batsoso far no damage to crops Is reported reportedKnoxville reportednoxville reportedKnoxvilleKnoxville Tenn Tenn Oct JO 10A A light 1It t snow snowfell snowfell snowfellfell in Western West em North Carolina CaroltM South Southwest SouthWtst Southwest west Virginia and East Tennessee to today to today today day Crops Cro are not damaged damagedBristol dalnagedBrl damagedBristolBristol Brl toI Teas Oct 10 ItUnusually Unusually cold coldweather coldweather coldweatherweather for October prevails here Snow Snowhas SnowMS Snowhashas been failing all the afternoon and andthe andUe andthethe nearby mountains art covered whtI whtIthe while whilethe rhilethethe mercury is down to freezing framingTakoma freezhtgTakomnTakoma Rye Whiskey WhiskeyFor WJlI WhiskeyFor keT keTForFor medicinal purposes it cant be b beatJ beat beatJJ J Schtocser 851 Pa ave Ve se seIf soIt seIfIf you Ou are thinking thlnkJ g of life insurance insurancewhy llISurancew insurancewhywhy w not get the best SM S e Raymond RaymondRIcketts RaymondRicketts 8 8RickettsRIcketts General Agents SOS Colorado 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