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How To Do A Library Audit

Writer's picture: icinlthewquejuneeticinlthewquejuneet

**I think a diversity audit, much like a genrefication, makes more sense after your collection has been weeded, since it means fewer titles to audit. However, the case could also be made for doing it before weeding because you could then use the audit info to help in deciding if a book should be weeded of not**

how to do a library audit

You may also want to google around a bit to read up more information on Diversity Audits in general, before you proceed. I believe a diversity audit is a critical step in building truly representative collections, because no matter how well we think we are doing at this, I promise that our unconscious biases are getting in our way, without us knowing.

After you have decided to move forward, and have gathered your initial background information, it is time to choose your categories. Meaning you need to decide what types of diversity and representation you want to account for in your audit. It can be as simple as just a couple categories like: Author/character ethnicity: white, BIPOC, lgbtqia+, straight/cis, etc or it can be more comprehensive.

Now that you have your report showing your books, you can add columns for each category you want to audit for. Here is how mine looks, you can see that the colorful columns are the ones I added to the report I ran from destiny.

Now that everything is set up, it is time to go through the list one book at a time, filling out the audit report. I used a plethora of tools for this. But first I went through and filled out the ones I knew off the top of my head (lord of the rings, harry potter, etc). Then I went back to the top and worked my way down one at a time.

Please remember that the purpose of doing an audit is to get the overview data on your collection, so that you can use that data to drive your decisions going forward on what books to add to your collection. The purpose is not to try to perfectly capture every identity aspect of an author so that you can publish or publicly acknowledge that personal information.

I do this by going through my excel sheet one column at a time. One by one I filter the spreadhseet by each audit category (column). Then I copy the barcode list and paste it into and save it.

Doing an inventory of your books can be as simple as assessing your library while asking yourself a few questions that touch upon a wide range of diversity, writes fifth-grade teacher Talya Edlund. For example, how many of your books do the following?

Although an entire library audit is a background process and does not interrupt library operations, it does require sharing of robot resources. You may notice that library operations take slightly longer to perform until the audit finishes. There may be a slight delay in processing a request that requires information about a location not yet audited because the library will audit the location before processing the request.

A verified audit validates the status of a specific cartridge location or range of locations in the cartridge database. If a cartridge address has a verified status of false, a physical audit of that location is performed and the cartridge database is updated.

To indicate an audit is in progress, the SLC displays a spinning indicator and the message "Audit in progress". When you see this indicator do not open the library access door. This will cause the audit to restart.

The audit indicator only displays when an audit is initiated automatically (library access door has been opened and closed, library power up or reboot). The indicator does not display for audits initiated from SLC or the host.

You can use the audit log reports provided with SharePoint to view the data in the audit logs for a site collection. You can sort, filter, and analyze this data to determine who has done what with sites, lists, libraries, content types, list items, and library files in the site collection. For example, you can determine who deleted which content.

Knowing who is taking what action on which content in your site collection can be critical in helping your organization fulfill its requirements, such as meeting regulatory compliance and records management. You save an audit log report as a Microsoft Excel 2013 Preview workbook to a library in the site collection that you specify.

On the Operation Completed Successfully page, click click here to view this report. If you get an error, it may be because audit logs weren't enabled or there was no data to show. See Configure audit settings for a site collection to be sure event logging is set up.

Alternatively, if opening documents in the browser is enabled for the library, go to the library where you saved the audit log report, point to the audit log report, click the down arrow, and then click View in Browser.

The audit feature for Microsoft SharePoint and SharePoint Server lets you track user activity on content types like lists and libraries within your site collection. Knowing which users have accessed specific content at any given time is critical for many business requirements, such as regulatory compliance and records management.

Microsoft 365 Unified Audit Logging now supports SharePoint and OneDrive. Unified auditing provides access to event logs (like view, create, edit, upload, download, and delete) and sharing actions like invitation and access requests, and synchronization activity. For more information about what Unified Audit Logging in Microsoft 365 provides for SharePoint, see Audited activities.

You can manage the size of the audit log in the Audit Log Trimming section and specify which events to audit in the Documents and Items and Lists, Libraries, and Sites sections. You can also specify the maximum number of days that items will be retained. By default all items are removed at the end of the month.

You can also specify the document library to save audit log reports to before the audit log is trimmed. Set this option if you need access to audit log data, using audit log reports, after the audit log has been trimmed.

Which events you audit depends on your auditing needs. For example, regulatory compliance usually has specific requirements that will dictate which events you need to audit. We recommend that you only audit the events required to meet your needs. Additional, unnecessary auditing can affect the performance and other aspects of your site collection(s).

Audited events are captured in audit reports that are based on Microsoft Excel 2013 and are available from the Auditing Reports page. You can also create a custom report that includes a number of these events over a specified date range, within a specific area of the site collection, or filtered to an individual user. You cannot modify events once they are logged, but site collection administrators can delete items from the audit log and configure automatic trimming of the audit log data.

Following is an example of the data in a Deletion audit log report. With this report, you can determine who deleted and restored data across the site collection. You can use the features of Excel to filter, sort, and analyze the data.

When you select an event to audit for a site collection, the report will audit every item in the site collection each time the event occurs. Auditing can potentially generate a large number of audit events, creating a large audit log that could fill the hard drive, impacting performance and other aspects of a site collection.

To manage the size of the audit log report you can configure it to automatically trim, and optionally archive, the current audit log data in a document library before the data is trimmed. The schedule for audit log trimming is configured by your server administrator in Central Administration. The default is the end of the month.

Alternatively, if opening documents in the browser is enabled for the library, go to the library where you saved the audit log report, point to the audit log report, select the down arrow, and then select View in Browser.

The law distinguishes between a traditional public forum, or public square, and facilities opened to the public for a particular use or purpose, like a library or a courthouse. Facilities like libraries and courthouses are considered to be limited public forums or non-public forums1 for purposes of the First Amendment. In limited or non-public forums, the government agency administering the space is only obligated to allow those First Amendment activities that are consistent with the nature of the forum, even if the facility is open to the public.

I understand that first amendment auditors cannot photograph or record library users that infringes on their right to privacy per ALA and individual library policies. What about first amendment auditors approaching staff or other library workers to record, photograph, and potentially interrogate or harass?

In 2016, I began the process of doing a diversity audit of my YA collection to help me determine what percentage of my collection was diverse. My goal was to help me determine how I was doing as someone in charge of collection development to make me aware of my own short comings to build a better, more inclusive collection. At the time, I was working at The Public Library of Mount Vernon and Knox County in Ohio. Over the last two years, I have been refining my process. I have also been asked to speak on this topic several times, and each time I do I work on better articulating the what, why and how of a diversity audit. Yesterday I was invited to speak as part of the Library Journal Equity in Action online webinar and I share my current thoughts and process with you below.

To begin, you should know that I did not come up with the term diversity audit and I had no idea that was what I was doing. I simply began tweeting about what I was doing and I think it was someone from School Library Journal, perhaps Stephanie Sendaula or Kathy Ishizuka who used the term diversity audit and helped me better frame what it was I was trying to do.

The ILS I used at the time was Polaris, which allowed me to create an active shelf list which I imported into Excel. This allowed me to save my work as I worked in chunks and it means the next time I approach the audit, I already have a good baseline. In fact, after I did an audit of the entire YA collection, I then just started auditing my monthly YA book orders and adjusting my figures. A huge initial audit can be supplemented and a collection maintained by doing book order audits. 2ff7e9595c

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