In adults, such a physiological shift is more related to cell repair than to survival [8]. However, lesions close to the surface of the spinal cord may result in extensive degeneration of adult motoneurons, as is the case after avulsion of ventral roots (VRA), an experimental model used to investigate adult neuronal degeneration [6, 9, 10]. Koliatsos et al. [9] have demonstrated that such lesions result in retrograde death of 80% of motoneurons within the first 2 weeks. Piehl et al. [11] have shown a peak of expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines at the onset of motoneuron death, suggesting that inflammation is related to this particular type of neurodegenerative process.
A meta-analysis was performed to synthesise reporting of the median number of days palliative care was initiated prior to death. We used the median as the preferred measure of central tendency as it is less affected by outliers and better reflects skewed data. The number of days from palliative care initiation to death was reported across the included articles in one of three ways: as a median, as a mean or including both a median and mean value. For studies reporting mean values only, linear regression modelling was used to derive a median value (see Additional file 1: Fig S2). This was calculated through examining the relationship between mean and median values in articles where both values were reported. The trend line was then applied to derive median values where included studies only reported a mean number of days from palliative care initiation to death. We then weighted median values for each study according to the number of study participants it contained. We then combined median values from all studies to calculate a final weighted median value and the interquartile range (IQR) to summarise duration of palliative care.
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In AL patients, organ involvement was reported according to the international consensus criteria for AL amyloidosis, and prognosis was assessed by different validated risk models [21,22,23,24,25,26]. Hematologic and organ responses were reported according to established criteria [27, 28].
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM - FEI / Inspect S50 model) was used to observe modifications on bagasse fibers. Samples were adhered to carbon tape and sputter coated with gold (sputter Emitech / K550 model) and observed in the SEM through the use of an acceleration voltage of 20 KV and working distance of around 38 mm. Hundreds of SEM images were obtained on different areas of the samples to guarantee the reproducibility of the results. 2ff7e9595c